
Tuesday 3.55 - 4.40pm (45 mins) - $130 per term at Stage Door Studios


45 min  class for older primary aged students. 
This class is all about building confidence and having fun, while developing acting technique.
Students work towards a public performance of a short play at the end of the year.

Homework for Bravo

It was so great to get back into the classroom with our fabulous Bravo Drama Class students today! 

We had fun learning our new Term Two physical warm up game - Jumping Jelly Beans before launching into a fun time of working in groups to retell famous fairy tales... in 60 seconds, then 40 seconds, then just 20 seconds! 

We have such a fun, playful group in the Bravo class this year. 
We are loving seeing them growing in confidence and skill as they throw themselves into each game and activity!

Important Notices for Bravo

During Term One our Bravo students had a session discussing what they wanted the environment of their class to be like, in order that it might be a safe and inclusive space where all students felt respected, encourage and able to let loose and have fun. 

Together, the students came up with a list of behaviours and attitudes that they felt would help to achieve this. 
This list has been incorporated into a class agreement we are calling the Bravo Class Environment Statement.
Our Bravo students and tutors have signed the statement, agreeing that we will all try to remember to help create a safe, fun class environment. 

A copy of the 2024 Bravo Drama Class Environment Statement (less everyone's signatures) can be found on on the right hand side of this webpage, under Resources (above the tutor pics).