
"I grew in confidence 110%! The role of Ursula was my biggest role to date, so I was really nervous that I would do things wrong, but with Trace, Trish, Theresa and Sophia’s help I was able to break through that fear, open up and connect with my character. One of the best experiences of my life! I loved the fact that we became a big family, and we were able to show our hard work to the audiences. I also really liked the coaching, it was really helpful and fun at the same time. I am still really good friends with the cast and crew."

Courtney van der Horst - 2018

"Savanna-Rae has been at Stage Door for two years so far with many years ahead I’m sure, she was hooked from day one! Savanna has learnt so much and grown under the guidance of the amazing team, it truly is a place where everyone belongs."

~ Pam

"It was an amazing experience and I learnt so much from being part of the creative team that put the show together – including how to explain my dance ideas to kids."

~ Theresa

" I saw many people’s passion grow for Musical Theatre as well as confidence which was great as performing on stage can be a scary thing!!! I absolutely loved how I felt so comfortable to be myself around other people who shared the same passions as I do."

~ Subby

Stage Door's 2018 production of The Little Mermaid was my first time as Vocal Director for a musical theatre production. The support I had from all of the team, as well as a personal mentor assigned to me by Trace (the director) means I was eased into the role with the skill set needed

~ Sophia

"The most biggest thing I learnt about being in this production was the importance of understanding the character you will be portraying. Trace and I spent just as much time on the physical performance as the mental performance. This was my first time really engaging and going into depth with a character which led me to open a new way of acting and performing. Trace did this with all the cast and their characters."

~ Branagh

" Being part of the Little Mermaid was a great journey. I loved that everyone worked together. I got better at singing because we had a vocal coach and we all sang together to get the right pitch. I loved seeing people enjoying what I did on stage."

~ Jasper

"Thank you to all the stage door tutors for all the time and effort you put in with our children. You do an amazing job! And they love it!!! You guys ROCK!!!"

~ Mikayla

"Thank you so much for all you have done for Micah-Harrison, his confidence has built so much since he started with you. Thank you for giving him the opportunities you have given him. Thank you"

~ Jenny

"We have had our 6 and 8 year olds attending Stage Door over the last two years. In that time our 8 year old has grown out of a shell with courage and confidence. Our 6 year old is becoming more and more of a performing showman on stage. Both of them love the music, singing and performing with all the other children. 2019 saw our 12 year old join Stage Door and excelled on the stage having fun. To parents, it is worth the commitment and rewarding to see the children learning confidence, skills, communication, arts, dance, song and everything else that we can't think of right now. Welcome to you all."

~ Greg